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 Post subject: Greetins
PostPosted: 22 Feb 2024, 22:01 


Joined: 02/18/24
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Greetings from Everett Wa. 2.6 miles away from KPEA.

My Name is Tim Loveless and I am 57 years old. Although I am not a licensed pilot, I know how to fly and do it whenever I can.

I'm also an avid flight simulator enthusiast. I fell in love with the Baron G58. I don't know why but I love that plane. It is also the plane that I fly in my sim. I am currently building a flight sim based on the G58, and that is what brought me here. Thanks for allowing me to join.

I am hoping to be able to gather more information about the G58 to make my sim more realistic. Here is picture of N811TL.

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 Post subject: Re: Greetins
PostPosted: 22 Feb 2024, 22:23 

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Joined: 09/16/10
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Tim, welcome to BT! G58 is a fun airplane! :thumbup:

A man with no regrets, has a short memory.


 Post subject: Re: Greetins
PostPosted: 26 Feb 2024, 12:18 

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Company: airline has-been
Location: NashvilleClarksville , TN (6TN1)
Aircraft: 1956 Bonanza 35

Watch for a post about my simulator project that I will submit soon. Come see it at BeechBash.

Edit just submitted @ viewtopic.php?uid=24710&f=47&t=227312&start=0


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