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 Post subject: FOR SALE LISTING MISSING? You MUST incl a price.
PostPosted: 02 May 2013, 08:22 

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Joined: 11/27/07
Posts: 53
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Company: BeechTalk, LLC
If your for sale listing is missing in Peddler Talk, it was most likely removed for failing to include an asking price or was a commercial listing by a non-BeechTalk Sponsor.

Per our Peddler Talk rules, available here, every listing MUST include a price. We have traditionally sent private messages to remind posters to include a price and permitted them to go back and edit their listing to comport with the rules; however, monitoring of such has proven to be a big time commitment. Therefore, we are forced to simply remove such listings without notice.

You are free to repost your listing with the requisite information.

Sorry for any inconvenience, but we feel these requirements add to the usefulness of Peddler Talk.


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