We don't have a lot of 'rules', but we have a few guidelines that you must follow when posting in this forum.
Please become familiar with all of them before posting in Peddler Talk.
The guidelines include:
1) NO COMMERCIAL LISTING - This forum is only for private sales (e.g. items you personally own)--no commercial listings are permitted, except by BeechTalk Sponsors. If you'd like to become a BeechTalk Sponsor, please sign up HERE.2) SELL ONLY YOUR PERSONAL ITEMS - This forum is also only for items you are personally selling. If you wish to provide a heads-up to other BeechTalk members of an item for sell elsewhere (by someone else), please post it in the relevant forum such as Beech Singles or Beech Twins.3) KEEP SUBJECT LINE DESIGNATION - The forum will automatically append an abbreviation at the beginning of your subject line. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS DESIGNATION, but simply add a descriptive title of the item being sold after the designation (i.e. FS: Bose A20 Headset $1000). We do this to help denote Peddler threads that are listed along with all other threads in the View Unread Posts listing. We reserve the right to edit the thread to conform to this guideline.
FS = For Sale
WTB = Want to buy (when your looking to buy something.)
MARK ITEMS SOLD - Once your item has sold or otherwise removed from the market (even if not sold), edit your ORIGINAL listing to replace "FS" with the word 'SOLD.' Do NOT remove or modify the content or subject line of your listing in any way, other than to insert the SOLD notification. SOLD listings are used by the buyer to confirm the accuracy of the item received and by others as a sales reference point.
DO NOT add a reply post to your thread indicating "SOLD"--this unnecessarily bumps your ad to the top of the forum. Just add "SOLD" to the subject line of the original post as outlined above.
4) MUST INCLUDE ASKING PRICE - An asking price must be included for every item listed. Items without an asking price will be removed without notice.5)
ADD DETAILS AND PICTURES - Please include sufficient details about what you're selling. You can (rather...
should) include pictures, but please limit them to 800 pixels or less in width.
ADD YOUR LOCATION TO YOUR PROFILE - Please use the Control Panel in the upper right corner of the red bar above to enter
your location in to your profile. This will help give buyers an indication of shipping or ferrying required.
INDICATE HOW YOU WISH TO BE CONTACTED - Please indicate how you would like a potential buyer to contact you. You can indicate a telephone number, email address, or private message (PM). Please note that this content is public and not limited to just BeechTalk members.
NO LINKING TO EBAY OR AUCTION SITES - Peddler's Talk is not the place to link items being sold on eBay or other auction sites, it is a place to list items you're selling directly to BeechTalk members. We reserve the right to remove listings redirecting members to an auction listing.
NO FOR-RENT ADVERTISEMENTS - For-Rent type ads are not permitted unless the poster is a BeechTalk Sponsor. We consider For-Rent type ads to be an ongoing sale and not in the spirit of a seller-buyer forum. All For-Rent ads will be removed without notice.
Legal Mumbo Jumbo - We reserve the right to delete, edit, or otherwise modify a listing without notice. We may do this to adjust the subject line to ensure uniformity in this forum.
Any transaction is between you and the buyer/seller, caveat emptor (buyer beware). BeechTalk LLC is not a party to any transaction and shall not be obligated to arbitrate any conflict or enforce any terms.