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 Post subject: FS: Trade M35 for a 6 seat a/c single or twin
PostPosted: 18 Jan 2023, 14:57 


Joined: 10/30/18
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Trade my M35 TT3900 590SFRM. 2 G5s, GNX375, engine monitor. Great flying airplane in great condition.
My wife would like a 6seat aircraft. I thought I would see if any interest in a trade before I move forward.

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 Post subject: Re: FS: Trade M35 for a 6 seat a/c single or twin
PostPosted: 18 Jan 2023, 16:40 

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Beautiful M! I was in your exact same boat a year ago needing to step up from my M35 to six seats due to a growing family. Ended up with an extremely pleasant trade for a Cessna 310Q with a great gentleman on this forum. Feel free to PM if you would like any additional details. Best of luck!



 Post subject: Re: FS: Trade M35 for a 6 seat a/c single or twin
PostPosted: 18 Jan 2023, 18:05 


Joined: 10/30/18
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A310Q is just what I am looking for. It will fit in my hanger. I like my M, we are in need of 1 sometimes 2 more seats.
I posted an ad in Barnstormers an had a broker contact me and a guy with a B55. He felt his was worth a lot more than mine and wanted a lot of cash in a trade. I am looking at a trade and if that doesn’t work I will sell mine then look around. Or I will keep it an fly it.


 Post subject: Re: FS: Trade M35 for a 6 seat a/c single or twin
PostPosted: 18 Jan 2023, 18:33 

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Austin and I concluded a transaction that worked for both of us last fall. We are each very happy with the airplanes we ended up with. There are some people interested in trading, just keep looking. I've owned a number of airplanes over the years and have traded to get most of them. I'm happy to discuss my experience over the years too.

Ken Reed


 Post subject: Re: FS: Trade M35 for a 6 seat a/c single or twin
PostPosted: 18 Jan 2023, 19:47 


Joined: 06/04/16
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I’ve been around the patch in this one with Don

This is a Super Clean M35

Clearly a long-time Dry Climate Machine and Likely always Hangared

The Paint is about as Nice as you’ll find Anywhere

Great current Avionics

Can’t Miss. Nice Bird

.... Wish I was in the Market


 Post subject: Re: FS: Trade M35 for a 6 seat a/c single or twin
PostPosted: 18 Jan 2023, 21:29 

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Nice M model. Any autopilot?


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