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 Post subject: Stick - INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO BEECHTALK (Not for questions)
PostPosted: 27 Feb 2010, 12:10 

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Joined: 11/27/07
Posts: 54
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Company: BeechTalk, LLC
For new members and members that have been shy up to now, here is your microphone to introduce yourself and your plane to a new kind of support group -- BeechTalk. :D

We want to get to know a little bit about you and your plane. So, feel free to post pictures of both. :)

Please post a new thread for each introduction.

If you have a specific question, however, please post the question in the relevant forum rather than this Introduction forum.


If you need help in how to post a message here, please CLICK HERE.

If you need help in how to post pictures, please CLICK HERE.

And, one last thing, :) please take a moment to update your profile information (which appears under the avatar picture to the left). Instructions can be found HERE .


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