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 Post subject: New to Beechtalk with a Sierra 200
PostPosted: 28 Dec 2024, 23:51 


Joined: 12/28/24
Posts: 2
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Aircraft: Sierra
Hey new to Beechtalk. I recently purchased a 1981 Sierra c24r and love it! Interested in anything I can learn about it and looking for h2532-33 large baggage door lock if anyine know where to find one. Mine doesn't lock and appears to have a few cracks in it. Also I have had my pilot door pop open on me a few times and wondered if anyone has had that issue also. Thanks, Craig


 Post subject: Re: New to Beechtalk with a Sierra 200
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2024, 09:29 

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Head to the Beech Aero club. They specialize in the 'baby beeches' including your sierra. All the info and experts you want are there.

$50 to join but you'll see it's worth it. good luck.


 Post subject: Re: New to Beechtalk with a Sierra 200
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2024, 10:44 

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Welcome to BT Craig :bud:

Congrats on your Beechcraft choice. I owned a 1976 BE24R for 9 years and 1400hrs. Got my PPL and IR in that bird. No A/P so it was a great hand flying in IMC trainer. Navigation was handled by a LORAN, ADF, 2 Nav Radios and DME.

A refrigerator with wings :rofl: but an outstandingly stable platform for the retractable/complex learning curve. The best mine would do is about 126KTAS. Despite this slow speed, it prepared me well for my transition to the Baron.

The guidance on the Beech Aero Club is spot on.

If your mission demands it, you'll be Bonanza or Baron bound in no time! :thumbup: :thumbup:



1965 B55
KDTO-Denton, TX
N2023W SN: TC-971


 Post subject: Re: New to Beechtalk with a Sierra 200
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2024, 11:15 

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Username Protected wrote:
Hey new to Beechtalk. I recently purchased a 1981 Sierra c24r and love it! Interested in anything I can learn about it and looking for h2532-33 large baggage door lock if anyine know where to find one. Mine doesn't lock and appears to have a few cracks in it. Also I have had my pilot door pop open on me a few times and wondered if anyone has had that issue also. Thanks, Craig

This is the correct shape seal and it’s cement to the door , not the airframe


Same seal

I have some in stock if needed

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 Post subject: Re: New to Beechtalk with a Sierra 200
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2024, 20:23 


Joined: 12/28/24
Posts: 2
Post Likes: +3
Aircraft: Sierra
Thanks for the replies guys


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