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 Post subject: New to BT, based out of KMDD & KTYR
PostPosted: 09 Dec 2024, 20:07 


Joined: 11/29/24
Posts: 1
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Location: Midland, TX
I’m Max. I’m a student pilot with just over 40 hours getting ready for PPL checkride prep. I’m based out of KMDD, but have flown from KLBB and KTYR a time or two. I’d like to get into a Bonanza within the next couple years. Looking forward to being a part of BeechTalk. If anyone is relatively local to Midland, Texas, I’d love to take a flight in a Bonanza.


 Post subject: Re: New to BT, based out of KMDD & KTYR
PostPosted: 10 Dec 2024, 23:53 


Joined: 09/25/20
Posts: 17
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Location: Waukegan, Illinois (KUGN)
Aircraft: Bonanza F33A
Welcome Max, and good luck on your checkride!
You've probably already heard this, but once you get the PPL, keep on learning and find a good path to gain experience and move on to complex aircraft with a good instructor. I was lucky enough to be in a club with 172s and a 172RG shortly after I got my ticket. Lots of things to love about Bonanzas, and I'm sure you'll find someone nearby to take a ride with.


 Post subject: Re: New to BT, based out of KMDD & KTYR
PostPosted: 11 Dec 2024, 12:55 

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Location: Minneapolis, MN (KFCM)
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In addition to your posting here, I'd use the "Mentor" tab at the top of the BT forum. At the bottom of that page, pick "Southwest" and "All airplanes" and Submit. You'll get a list of the BT pilots and their locations who've signed up for providing exactly what you're looking for (an introductory flight in a Beechcraft).


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