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 Post subject: not new to aviation, but new to ownership
PostPosted: 07 Dec 2024, 02:12 


Joined: 05/11/24
Posts: 1
Post Likes: +3
Company: Kumle Kreations
Aircraft: Bonanza G35
Hello all. I fly helicopters professionally, but bought my first airplane this past March and was fortunate enough to find a 1956 G35 within my price range. It is all original (the medical kit in the baggage compartment still has the cellophane wrapping from 1956!), and in need of some TLC. I am looking at upgrading the generator to an alternator first and then start on the dash. I have been looking at the kits on aircraft spruce and chief aircraft with matching pricing. My plan is once that system is installed, to jump right into a new dash, specifically the dynon system to get as much as possible in one place.

I have always wanted to own my own airplane, so this is a dream come true for me. I have been around aviation since 1995, so I am not naive to the cost of ownership of an airplane. I look forward to all the adventures that my new plane brings to my son and I in the future. I also look forward to meeting some of you in the get togethers around the states.

fly safe and keep the greasy side down!



 Post subject: Re: not new to aviation, but new to ownership
PostPosted: 07 Dec 2024, 02:46 


Joined: 08/24/15
Posts: 147
Post Likes: +104
Aircraft: C35
Username Protected wrote:
Hello all. I fly helicopters professionally, but bought my first airplane this past March and was fortunate enough to find a 1956 G35 within my price range. It is all original (the medical kit in the baggage compartment still has the cellophane wrapping from 1956!), and in need of some TLC. I am looking at upgrading the generator to an alternator first and then start on the dash. I have been looking at the kits on aircraft spruce and chief aircraft with matching pricing. My plan is once that system is installed, to jump right into a new dash, specifically the dynon system to get as much as possible in one place.

I have always wanted to own my own airplane, so this is a dream come true for me. I have been around aviation since 1995, so I am not naive to the cost of ownership of an airplane. I look forward to all the adventures that my new plane brings to my son and I in the future. I also look forward to meeting some of you in the get togethers around the states.

fly safe and keep the greasy side down!


Congrats, I just bought my c35 last month and took my first flight today. Get Lew Gauge’s book and join ABS. Tons of great info there. Congrats!


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