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 Post subject: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 01 Jul 2023, 20:54 

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Joined: 07/01/23
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Company: Bartlow Enterprises Ltd.
Location: Hamler Ohio
Aircraft: Bonanza A35
Hello all and thanks for accepting my to this group!
I recently purchased a Bonanza A35, SN D2116, which has been in a hangar at my home airport and hasn't flown since 2006. Earlier today we started the E-185 engine for the first time! It's my optimistic hope and goal to restore this classic airplane, assuming it is restorable. I'll share pictures and videos and information as I go on this journey. I am open to recommendations and guidance from this community.

YouTube video of first start in 16 years:



Last edited on 02 Jul 2023, 09:02, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 01 Jul 2023, 21:02 

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Welcome Todd. :cheers:



 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 02 Jul 2023, 08:30 

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Username Protected wrote:
YouTube video of first start in 16 years:

Welcome, to BT,Todd!

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-> Don
If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane. - Jimmy Buffett


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 02 Jul 2023, 11:42 


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Welcome Todd, keep us informed


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 02 Jul 2023, 20:06 

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Congratulations on getting it started. I had a phrase in my mind, "A Spirited Beginning."

I just love to hear those Contys run. :thumbup:

Best Regards



 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 12:36 

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Welcome to BT and congrats on the plane!

Education cuts, don't heal.


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 12:46 

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Perhaps @Lew Gage will chime in here. He literally wrote the book on maintaining the E-Series Bonanzas.

https://american-bonanza-society.square ... classic/54
(I recommend it, and from what I understand, he doesn't profit from it).


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 16:20 

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Todd is at a nearby airport and contacted me. I went over to see the airplane. Nearly all original, except for the panel, which has nice upgrade to center stack and T configuration.

It has great potential, but some challenges. Mice were nesting about two ribs in from the right wing tip. Hard to to see and evaluate the damage.

Todd, you got this!

John Califf


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 16:29 


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Sounds like a good start.. and a fuel pump problem. Good luck with it!

Stop in flyover country and have some BBQ!


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 16:55 

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Thanks John for taking the time to stop by today and look this Bonanza over with me. I really appreciate it! It's nice knowing you are so close also, and that we know some of the same aviation folks in the area! I am excited about this next project!

I ordered the shop manual from Textron today. I also ordered the aircraft records from the FAA today.

Last week I joined ABS and I look forward to getting to know that community as well!
I have already viewed a number of Lew's videos on YouTube!

I believe at this point I should start a new post dedicated to this project. Note that the N number no longer belongs to this airplane, it's now registered to an experimental in California. The serial # for this Bonanza is D2116 (however both wings have D2118 written on ribs inside). The FAA cashed my check for registration application on May 7th, and they reserved the N number I will want to use, but as of this typing I'm not seeing D2116 being registered yet to my name. Hopefully soon. I check daily before getting out of bed!

I'll wait until I get a confirmation from Admin on what is best for me going forward to share the progress of this airplane. My guess is a new dedicated post? I'll start sharing pictures and videos then as well.


 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 17:29 

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When in doubt if it’s right or wrong post pictures.

Don’t do things twice …



 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 18:16 

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OK, here are some pictures...

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 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 03 Jul 2023, 20:12 

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Baffle seals

Wing seals

Ruddervator seals

Remove all seals and buff and install new seals silicone std width

Iam in process of mfg new silicone version of the plug under the tail

I suggest new brakes hoses and complete flush of the system

I have never seen a battery box like that in forty plus years



 Post subject: Re: New to BeechTalk, I recently purchased a Bonanza A35...
PostPosted: 02 Dec 2024, 19:11 

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Company: Bartlow Enterprises Ltd.
Location: Hamler Ohio
Aircraft: Bonanza A35
I've finally committed to restoring this Bonanza. I recently removed the left stabilizer to inspect, remove the corrosion and polish the skin to see how it ends up. I've attached a few pictures to show the early results. Thanks also to Ben Weeks and Guy Ginbey for the support and information!

Also, the carburetor has been rebuilt and installed.
Electric propeller is at Aircraft Accessories of Oklahoma for IRAN.
Front and Rear seats are at an upholstery shop.
Complete new exhaust from AWI including the headers.
New spark plugs.

A LOT more work to do, money to spend, and time to invest!! But hopefully by this time next year it will be flying?

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