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 Post subject: How To Become a BeechTalk Mentor
PostPosted: 21 Jun 2013, 11:28 

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Joined: 11/27/07
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Company: BeechTalk, LLC
Become a BeechTalk Mentor!

The BeechTalk and Beechcraft flying communities need passionate owners and operators to share their Beech experience with others. If you are such a person, then please read the following carefully, then sign up as a BeechTalk Mentor using the form below.

What responsibilities do I have as a BeechTalk Mentor?

Your primary responsibility is to be a good steward for the brand. This includes patiently and selflessly answering questions of those new to Beech aircraft, showing off your airplane as you are able, and, if you choose, perhaps even flying a Beech prospect from time to time to really show off what these airplanes can do.

As a BeechTalk Mentor, you will from time to time receive contact emails from prospective Beech owners. This message will go to your email address and you may then choose to respond to the person via email, or by another method as you feel comfortable and/or as indicated by the prospect. As a Mentor, you should be willing and able to answer these messages in a timely and courteous manner. In short, to be a BeechTalk Mentor means you will do your best to help others see the benefits of a Beechcraft airplane.

What information about me will be made public as a BeechTalk Mentor?

First, only registered BeechTalk members may search for BeechTalk Mentors. The information is not available to unregistered members or search bots. To registered members, the following information about a BeechTalk Mentor will be made available: first and last name, aircraft year and model, and location (city, state, and airport). Your email address and other information will not be shown, and will be protected as always. Those looking for a Mentor will simply contact you through a web form on BeechTalk.

Lastly, the Location and Aircraft fields in your BeechTalk profile will show the information added below. In order to better serve Beech prospects, it is a requirement that all BeechTalk Mentors include this information in their profile, and upon signing up below, these fields will be automatically populated in your BeechTalk profile with the information entered.

Do I have to fly the person for free?

There is no requirement to fly anyone in your aircraft as a BeechTalk Mentor. Some people may simply want to look at or sit in a Beech aircraft, so whatever service you can provide would be helpful should you choose not to fly.

If you do choose to fly, the exact arrangements for flying are up to you and the person seeking a Mentor. As always, all parties shall adhere to all applicable FAA and/or local aviation regulations and insurance requirements.

It is our utmost desire that all activities between parties of the BeechTalk Mentor program be conducted in the safest possible manner, and in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations. Further, you agree by signing up to absolve BeechTalk, LLC of all liability and responsibility for any outcome resulting from membership or use of the BeechTalk Mentor program. You also acknowledge that BeechTalk, LLC is not coordinating flights nor confirming adherence to regulations and other requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the parties utilizing the BeechTalk Mentor program to confirm the safety and legality of all flight operations.

Do I have to have a Beechcraft airplane?

Yes. Those who do not currently own a Beechcraft airplane are not eligible to sign up as BeechTalk Mentors.

What do I get as a BeechTalk Mentor?

You get the respect and admiration of all your Beechcraft-loving peers! You get the satisfaction of showing someone the Beechcraft light and saving them from the fate of buying a lesser airplane! And you get this cool BT Mentor image in your profile that will show next to all of your posts:


So if you're interested, please click the Mentor link in the red bar!


 Post subject: Re: How To Become a BeechTalk Mentor
PostPosted: 02 May 2014, 11:07 

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Joined: 11/27/07
Posts: 4290
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Company: BeechTalk
Location: Pontiac, MI (KPTK)
Aircraft: 1991 Bonanza A36
I've updated my profile information and it keeps changing back to the old information?

Please note that once you become a BeechTalk Mentor, the Mentor system will automatically populate your member profile with the information you entered when signing up as a Mentor, such as your location and aircraft type. This ensures that Mentor's profile information is searchable by those seeking help from Mentors.

HOWEVER, please note that if you (the Mentor) attempt to change your profile information using the forum software 'Preference' settings, the Mentor system will automatically change the profile information back overnight.

Therefore, if you need to change your aircraft type or location and you are a BeechTalk Mentor, please visit the Mentor signup page, cancel your current Mentorship, and then sign up again using the current location and aircraft type. This new information will be automatically populated to your profile overnight--you will NOT have to make the same change in your Preferences.

CE-560XL Type


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BeechTalk, LLC is the quintessential Beechcraft Owners & Pilots Group providing a forum for the discussion of technical, practical, and entertaining issues relating to all Beech aircraft. These include the Bonanza (both V-tail and straight-tail models), Baron, Debonair, Duke, Twin Bonanza, King Air, Sierra, Skipper, Sport, Sundowner, Musketeer, Travel Air, Starship, Queen Air, BeechJet, and Premier lines of airplanes, turboprops, and turbojets.

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