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 Post subject: How To Use The 'Bookmarking' Feature
PostPosted: 16 Mar 2009, 08:33 

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How To Use The 'Bookmarking' Feature

Have you ever stumbled across a thread that was of particular interest to you, either for the short term (i.e. you saw it, but didn't have time to fully digest it) or for the long term (i.e. a thread to tend to go back to over time for reference)? Well, I just recently stumbled across the 'bookmark' feature and thought others might have also missed this useful tool.

Essentially, (okay, literally) the bookmark feature allows you to mark a thread of interest with only one click. Once marked, that thread can then be referenced in the Preferences without the need for later searching or wading through forums.

All you need to do to mark it is:

  • When viewing a thread of interest, click the 'Bookmark Topic' link on the upper left, just above the blue bar. This will add the thread to your Bookmark list in the Preferences.

When you're ready to reference the thread:

  • Click on Preferences in the upper right corner
  • In the Options column on the left, under the Overview section click on Manage Bookmarks, this will list your current bookmarks. You can then click on the bookmarked thread of interest to view.

To remove the thread from your bookmarks:

  • Simply check the box to the right of the thread in your Bookmarks list and click 'Remove Marked Bookmarks' OR
  • Click the 'Remove From Bookmarks' link at the top of the bookmarked thread (when viewing the thread)


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