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 Post subject: How To Insert A Link Into A Post (. . . And Appear As Text)
PostPosted: 21 Feb 2009, 13:54 

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Joined: 11/27/07
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Company: BeechTalk, LLC
Many times during discussions it is useful to share a link to another website in the body of your message (post).

The easy way to do this is to simply cut and paste the URL address (the address that appears in your internet browser window, including the http:// part) into your message window when composing your post. The forum software will recognize that this text is a URL and will automatically display it as a clickable link for others.


However, sometimes, it is nicer to replace the original link with descriptive text that 'cleanly' displays in the forum without a bunch of strange URL characters. The easiest way we have developed thus far is the following:

  • Enter the URL address (including the http:// part) into the New Post message window - you can do this by cutting and pasting the URL from your internet browser to the New Post message window
  • On the same line as the URL address, type one space and then type the descriptive text you want to show in place of the link
  • Select (and highlight) the entire URL address, space, and descriptive text line
  • Click the 'Link' button above your New Post message window - You can preview your post and test your link before clicking 'Submit'

An example: The Google Search Engine


The Google Search Engine


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