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 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 26 Jun 2013, 22:07 

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To Jeff and Jeff,
The mentor idea is brilliant. Just as with all the other brilliant ideas and insights distilled into BT, this one will be a winner. Who doesn't want to talk about their plane?

I'm in.


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 26 Jun 2013, 22:09 

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Username Protected wrote:
Well it flys like a Beechcraft and Pilatus but just faster. :thumbup:

No phenom in the menu either....
Even faster


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 08:35 

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I had signed up to be a BT Mentor. However the system kept changing my profile to only showing one of the two Bonanzas I fly. As such I've resigned :sad:

I have two Bonanzas at two different airports and I think it makes sense to highlight that in my profile as I discuss attributes of both aircraft. I know many of our Members have even more variety than me, so I know I'm not alone.

Thanks for all you do and I think the BT Mentor program is a great idea, but I believe it needs to enable Members to input more than one aircraft.


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2013, 11:46 


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The system keeps changing my profile from Star, ID to Boise, ID, which is ok except I don't want folks to think I live in the big city. :D


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2016, 09:41 


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 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 27 Apr 2018, 10:20 


Joined: 02/18/18
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We are new to this website and will soon be new debonair owners. It appears that the beech community is very passionate and willing to teach newcomers. We are excited to learn and be part of this community


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 27 Apr 2018, 10:59 

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Username Protected wrote:
We are new to this website and will soon be new debonair owners. It appears that the beech community is very passionate and willing to teach newcomers. We are excited to learn and be part of this community

Welcome Melissa, please introduce yourself here too: viewforum.php?f=33

This board is an awesome resource and a fairly lively family. I think you'll enjoy it.


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 06 May 2018, 17:58 


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Username Protected wrote:
I like having the "Charter Member" bar above my name. I don't want to give that up. Can I have "Mentor" also, or would I have to give up my CM bar.

You'll never Give up Charter or Mentor, in our Hearts Max :thumbup:
And every time I see your Smiling Face :D It Makes me Smile :D

Thank You Max :D :sad: :D

Sidney Wakeham :)


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 06 May 2018, 18:10 

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It's still a gut punch to realize we will never see that smile again on this earth. But someday! :angel:


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 06 May 2018, 20:16 

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Username Protected wrote:
We are new to this website and will soon be new debonair owners. It appears that the beech community is very passionate and willing to teach newcomers. We are excited to learn and be part of this community

Welcome. BT is the best.

Where are you based?


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 06 May 2018, 22:31 


Joined: 02/18/18
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We are in northern ca. kcic. BT is great. I find myself reading for hours!


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 07 May 2018, 07:19 


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Location: Colfax Washington
Aircraft: 1947 Bonanza 35
Username Protected wrote:
We are in northern ca. kcic. BT is great. I find myself reading for hours!

:coffee: That's just the start :shrug: Many Beech Talk A holics around here :oops:

Many Hours, can lead to ridiculous, aircraft Purchases :bugeye: 70 year old Bonanzas :eek: or 80 Year old Staggs :eek:

Or flying hundreds of miles, to have a 15$ Lunch, with a Bunch of Other BeechTalkers

Yea, I Love it around Here :shrug: :D


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 28 Aug 2019, 09:34 


Joined: 08/28/19
Posts: 2
Username Protected wrote:
-Certificate type (and Beech Type Ratings),
-Additional experience in aircraft (i.e., I've owned a K35 and B55 besides my current V35A) (up to five maybe?,
great idea
-Maintenance Rating experience (i.e., A&P, AI and owner participation (All, some, Hands off)), etc.
-Avionics experience (G1000, Aspen, etc.)?

It doesn't need to be a full resume, just some preselected information that could help narrow down Mentors in larger cities.

Jason, thanks for the feedback!

I think for now it would be best to include that sort of information in the comments field. We may eventually make that searchable as well, but for now at least the user could use the information to distinguish between Mentors in the same geographic area.



 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 22 Sep 2019, 14:38 


Joined: 09/11/19
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Hi all. I am new and i am Looking for a mentor in Salt Lake City area.
I am a Student pilot now at a school that is aerobatics oriented. Once I get my PPL I will be looking to buy a reasonably priced time biulder capable of loops and rolls when flying solo. Thus I am obsessed with reading about Musketeer and Sundowner, interested in one with O-360 or IO-360. Aerodynamic Spin kit installed would be a huge bonus as I intend to do spin training in it after I master spins in Super Decathlon. Or would it do ok without a spin kit? If anyone knows of one for sale and a mentor in SLC area - please let me know.


 Post subject: Re: Announcing the BeechTalk Mentor Program!
PostPosted: 22 Sep 2019, 15:21 

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Don't forget the Beech Aero Club.


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