Hello all.
First, we would like to express our appreciation to all of you who have joined us thus far. From discussions here, we are overwhelmed with the level of knowledge and expertise from so many members--we have Beechcraft mechanics to engine operation experts to retired airline pilots to war veterans to even an astronaut (had to throw you in, Jay

). The wealth of knowledge and experience is staggering and will clearly be invaluable to hundreds of readers and participants of BeechTalk.com.
In order to foster the exchange of ideas and experience, encourage lasting friendships, and remain above the "frey" that exists on so many web boards nowadays, we have decided to make it a policy of BeechTalk.com that all users must use both their first name and last name as part of their username (i.e. John Doe). Initials are ~not~ permitted (i.e. JDoe or JohnD).Thankfully, about 80% of our current members already have established usernames using their real first and last name, so this won't be a change for them.
We appreciate your understanding and we hope that you find BeechTalk.com and its members to be an enormous resource--one that is easily accessible, simple to use, and searchable!