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 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2024, 18:13 

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I think the [youtube] tags/links may have been broken. Here's an example thread... previously the youtube videos were embedded in the page so you could watch them without leaving Beechtalk:



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2024, 18:47 

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Username Protected wrote:
I think the [youtube] tags/links may have been broken. Here's an example thread... previously the youtube videos were embedded in the page so you could watch them without leaving Beechtalk:


The new way, is [YouTube][/YouTube] tagging the complete 'share' link

Ends up with all the old ones broken tho.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2024, 19:54 

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Username Protected wrote:
The new way, is [YouTube][/YouTube] tagging the complete 'share' link

Ends up with all the old ones broken tho.

I was hoping there's a way to fix the years of existing ones too. I'm sure it was inadvertent to break it.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2024, 21:30 

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Username Protected wrote:
The new way, is [YouTube][/YouTube] tagging the complete 'share' link

Ends up with all the old ones broken tho.

I was hoping there's a way to fix the years of existing ones too. I'm sure it was inadvertent to break it.

The breaks (or broken utube links here) can come up, with forum software upgrades, & or prob also other reasons..

Dunno if folks here, can then fix prior links that no longer work, guess we'll see.

There were also, at least 2 diff prior methods/changes i'm aware of, that would require fixing.

1 was deleting all after the '?' question mark (from the share link), the other included deleting the '?' question mark

I have seen forum software upgrades, that affects prior links working, permanently.

I'm not sure if the admins here, are aware of the issue (prob 3-4 wks now), i've only seen a few comments on it.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 19 Feb 2024, 00:48 

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Username Protected wrote:
I'll also see what I can do about the thing with clicking pictures, that's a new one for me.

Hi Jeff,

Just thought I'd ping this one again, it still doesn't work like it used to.

Used to be that when you clicked an uploaded image, then it would bring up that image in its own browser tab at full resolution - whatever resolution it was uploaded at.

Now, when you click on an uploaded image, nothing happens - it just stays displayed at the shrunken down column width. Which is the right thing for the default thread view, but would be nice to have access to the higher resolution when desired.

One reason this matters is often screen shots get shrunk to something smaller than they were captured at, and the text goes kind of pixelated. Zooming in the browser just makes the pixels bigger. But if you can get to the original image at its original resolution, it gets un-pixelated and clearer. Much easier to zoom into at that point too. Similar for photos, you can zoom into the high resolution images to pick out details that you can't when they aren't at original resolution.



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 22 Feb 2024, 08:43 

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Haven't forgotten about these last few items, just still trying to tackle some back-end server things that need to be done first.

I'll work on the youtube and image thing as soon as I'm able, thanks.


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 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 04 Mar 2024, 20:16 

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Username Protected wrote:
I'll work on the youtube and image thing as soon as I'm able, thanks.

Just pinging on the image resize issue... mentioned in this thread as well...

It looks to me like all that would need to happen is to make the HTML <img> tagged item a link to itself. For example, in the fourth post of this thread, there's an image displayed with this <img> tag, all it would need is an <a> tag wrapping it - like below. Note the href property of the a tag is the same as the src property of the img tag.

Thanks for looking into it.

<img src="./download/file.php?id=433292" alt="IMG_1103.png" />

<a href="./download/file.php?id=433292"><img src="./download/file.php?id=433292" alt="IMG_1103.png" /></a>

Followup edit: I made the second post down on this thread page with an image, and it does exactly that - and it works! But the rest of the images on that thread page do not. I thought I'd post in case it gives a good clue to follow.

Follwup #2: It appears to me (very limited sample size) that images posted prior to 1/18/2024 can be clicked on, and link to the full resolution image. Images posted 1/18/2024 and after, cannot.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 12 Mar 2024, 21:49 

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Username Protected wrote:
It looks to me like all that would need to happen is to make the HTML <img> tagged item a link to itself. For example, in the fourth post of this thread, there's an image displayed with this <img> tag, all it would need is an <a> tag wrapping it - like below. Note the href property of the a tag is the same as the src property of the img tag.

Further follow up...

If one right clicks the image and uses the (browser) menu option to open the image in a new tab, the full res image is opened... so the image is sitting there, all it needs is the <a> tag surrounding it as described... :)


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 03 Apr 2024, 19:35 

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Username Protected wrote:
It looks to me like all that would need to happen is to make the HTML <img> tagged item a link to itself. For example, in the fourth post of this thread, there's an image displayed with this <img> tag, all it would need is an <a> tag wrapping it - like below. Note the href property of the a tag is the same as the src property of the img tag.

Further follow up...

If one right clicks the image and uses the (browser) menu option to open the image in a new tab, the full res image is opened... so the image is sitting there, all it needs is the <a> tag surrounding it as described... :)

Ping... any chance to fix this issue?


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 04 Apr 2024, 02:45 

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used to be, posted pix would show up again if quoting someone, that goes back awhile now,

also recently, when quoting someone with whatever links they may have posted, that then ends up with links not working, in the new post


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 11 Apr 2024, 15:53 

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Thanks guys, yes I'm going to fix as many of these as I can, I promise I haven't forgotten... just been slammed with other work. Appreciate the input.



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 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 24 May 2024, 23:55 

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Username Protected wrote:
It looks to me like all that would need to happen is to make the HTML <img> tagged item a link to itself. For example, in the fourth post of this thread, there's an image displayed with this <img> tag, all it would need is an <a> tag wrapping it - like below. Note the href property of the a tag is the same as the src property of the img tag.

Further follow up...

If one right clicks the image and uses the (browser) menu option to open the image in a new tab, the full res image is opened... so the image is sitting there, all it needs is the <a> tag surrounding it as described... :)

Still wondering if this might be fixed someday… I even showed how to do it…


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 30 May 2024, 17:01 

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Username Protected wrote:
Thanks guys, yes I'm going to fix as many of these as I can, I promise I haven't forgotten...



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 30 May 2024, 17:10 

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If I say I'm going to fix it, I will.
There is no need to remind me every six months.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 03 Jun 2024, 16:15 

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Guys, I have and continue to look into this. It's nowhere near as easy as a quick HTML fix. There were significant code rewrites to upgrade the server this last time, and a number of those will have to be reworked to both remedy this *and* keep things compatible with the new underlying server.

Once again, I haven't forgotten, but this is probably a multi-day fix rather than a multi-minute one, and I just haven't had that kind of time to devote to it.

Thanks for your patience,


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