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 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 09:20 

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I don't see this as a very big deal, at least with the browser on my computer. The only difference from before on most images is I have to right click and open the image in a new tab or window, then I can zoom in all I want. Before it was just one click to open the image in the same window/tab so we're talking one extra mouse move and a second click.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 04 Jun 2024, 09:22 

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Username Protected wrote:
I don't see this as a very big deal, at least with the browser on my computer. The only difference from before on most images is I have to right click and open the image in a new tab or window, then I can zoom in all I want. Before it was just one click to open the image in the same window/tab so we're talking one extra mouse move and a second click.

Yes, on a PC browser. But there is no way to do it on an iPad. And there are some images that are really handy to be able to see in full resolution and then zoom in on.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 08:40 

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Hello all,

Just wanted to update that as of this writing, I believe the problem with uploaded images not being clickable to full size is fixed. Images that are uploaded from this point forward meet the forum parameters to allow that should all now be clickable. Please let me know if you discover otherwise.

Images uploaded in the last few months since the problem began are still not clickable at this time, but fixing those is the next phase of this project. I do not believe it will take significant time to complete, but as always your patience is appreciated.

Finally, as with any software maintenance, it is possible that new errors were introduced with this one. If you notice any, please post them here and I will investigate asap.

Thank you,



CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 09:03 

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Hi Jeff

I am unable to click on the X to the left of the thread title to avoid having those particular posts from appearing as unread in the future.



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 09:03 

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It’s not letting me permanently ignore threads this morning… :scratch:


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 09:05 

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I'm having the same experience!


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 09:19 

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Jeff-- Please don't use Crowdstrike!


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 09:37 

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This is not a new behavior, you have never been able to ignore the Admin threads.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 09:46 

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Thanks guys, ignore thread/forum issue should be fixed now.

Let me know if you spot anything else... thanks,


CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 18:21 

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Working fine now.



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 22:08 


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Dangit, just when I had myself trained to right click and open in another screen!!!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 05 Aug 2024, 22:35 


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When viewing on an iPad, if there is a photo or video attached to a thread the zoom of the page is now off.

If that doesn’t make sense, I can screen shot it. On the view active page everything is zoomed normal. Then if I click on a thread and there is a photo, it zooms out and the print is very small. This has happened in the past, so hopefully it’s an easy fix.

Thanks for all you :cheers:

Edit: it seems to do it when there is a link embedded in a post and not for videos and photos. I notice it in the Hangar collapses in Boise thread:


Also in this thread:


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 06 Aug 2024, 11:43 

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Thanks Tate,

I looked into it and from what I can tell it has more to do with a (very) long string of text or link that doesn't have spaces and overflows the provided space. I think I've put in a fix for that now. You may need to clear your browser cookies and cache for it to take effect, but let me know after that if you still see this problem.



CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 07 Aug 2024, 10:32 

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I don't know if this is something on my end (Firefox) or a change at the server but as of today there's a "header" that appears above the text box when I reply to a post with a title bar that reads "Tip: Styles can be applied quickly to selected text. Along the right side there's some vertical text "Fontcolour".

I took a screenshot but it appears that I can't add a picture on this thread for some reason.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 09 Aug 2024, 23:41 

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Since the last 100-hour inspection and service on the website, I no longer have font color buttons. Both machines I use daily, both Chrome for browser. Ideas?



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