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 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 09 Aug 2024, 23:54 

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Username Protected wrote:

Since the last 100-hour inspection and service on the website, I no longer have font color buttons. Both machines I use daily, both Chrome for browser. Ideas?


On this site, we don't see colors...
This is the 21st century.



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 10 Aug 2024, 00:12 

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Username Protected wrote:

Since the last 100-hour inspection and service on the website, I no longer have font color buttons. Both machines I use daily, both Chrome for browser. Ideas?

For me they are still there, but squashed to the right of the message body text box. Desktop browser and Safari on iPad.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 10 Aug 2024, 00:44 

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Username Protected wrote:

Since the last 100-hour inspection and service on the website, I no longer have font color buttons. Both machines I use daily, both Chrome for browser. Ideas?

For me they are still there, but squashed to the right of the message body text box. Desktop browser and Safari on iPad.

In any case you can add color with this syntax: [colo r=GREEN]colored text[/colo r] or
[colo r=#00e000] colored text [/colo r] (leave the space out of the word "color", I added the spaces so it wouldn't be taken as a color control).


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 10 Aug 2024, 12:44 

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I'll look into it guys... should be a fairly easy fix. Hopefully one day next week.


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 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 00:31 

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This is one of the more frustrating "features" of the forum software.

You may embed only 2 quotes within each other.

Q1: Is the "2" a variable argument that you would consider setting to 3? Or better yet,

Q2: Is there any way to unroll the quotes into chronological order but no longer embedded?

I know you guys have been spending a lot of time lately on maintenance so not trying to add more work, but hey if nobody brings this stuff up, how will you know? :lol:


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 09:56 

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Username Protected wrote:
Q2: Is there any way to unroll the quotes into chronological order but no longer embedded?

Very easy; it just takes some editing. The limitation is on the nesting of quotes. I haven't tested, but I don't think there is a limitation on the number of nested pairs of qoutes.

What you see in when you first click "Reply"...

Quote 4 // Quote 3 // Quote2 // Quote 1

Pull out (ie, Cut)) the beginning code brackets for quotes 4 and 3 and the text that follows (up to the code bracket for Quote 2) and Paste that in front of the ending code bracket for Quote 2.

You end up with...
Quote2 // Quote 1
Quote 4 // Quote 3

If there are more than four quotes, you'll have to continue pulling quotes to limit each nest to no more than two quotes.



 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 11:05 

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Username Protected wrote:
Q2: Is there any way to unroll the quotes into chronological order but no longer embedded?

Very easy; it just takes some editing. The limitation is on the nesting of quotes. I haven't tested, but I don't think there is a limitation on the number of nested pairs of qoutes.

What you see in when you first click "Reply"...

Quote 4 // Quote 3 // Quote2 // Quote 1

Pull out (ie, Cut)) the beginning code brackets for quotes 4 and 3 and the text that follows (up to the code bracket for Quote 2) and Paste that in front of the ending code bracket for Quote 2.

You end up with...
Quote2 // Quote 1
Quote 4 // Quote 3

If there are more than four quotes, you'll have to continue pulling quotes to limit each nest to no more than two quotes.


I think Tom was asking if the forum server could do the unrolling.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 11:06 

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Username Protected wrote:
This is one of the more frustrating "features" of the forum software.

You may embed only 2 quotes within each other.

Q1: Is the "2" a variable argument that you would consider setting to 3? Or better yet,

Q2: Is there any way to unroll the quotes into chronological order but no longer embedded?

I know you guys have been spending a lot of time lately on maintenance so not trying to add more work, but hey if nobody brings this stuff up, how will you know? :lol:

The software will only do two automatically. You can cut and paste as many as you want.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 15:48 

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Username Protected wrote:
I think Tom was asking if the forum server could do the unrolling.

Correct. "Thread Roll" on Twitter (X) appears to be complex, but un-nesting these quotes seems pretty straightforward. Some similar fora provide "direct reply" to a previous message (no quotes, but unambiguous to which post its directed) which might be easier to implement.
Clipping can be a pain. People (including me) often misattribute quotes causing confusion and more work to make the correction. At the moment, the font color selection needs to be a higher priority, but some improvements in quote/replies would be welcomed.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 16:46 

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Username Protected wrote:
At the moment, the font color selection needs to be a higher priority, but some improvements in quote/replies would be welcomed.

Personally, I think the quoting method should be the highest priority.

In fact, making this simple post on an iPhone was a real PITA.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 16:47 

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Username Protected wrote:
At the moment, the font color selection needs to be a higher priority, but some improvements in quote/replies would be welcomed.

Personally, I think the quoting method should be the highest priority.

In fact, making this simple post on an iPhone was a real PITA.

Many forums only quote the single last post. I think that is the best and easiest way.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 16:58 

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Username Protected wrote:
Many forums only quote the single last post. I think that is the best and easiest way.

This seems like a good idea. Nothing like reading a double quote box of 100 lines only to see that the reply just says "Thanks" or something equally brief. :roll: No need to quote everything by default.


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2024, 22:55 

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Username Protected wrote:
Personally, I think the quoting method should be the highest priority.

In fact, making this simple post on an iPhone was a real PITA.

Maybe one day you can move up to a desk top. Easy-peasy.

(See? If the font color was readily available, you would know if I was joshing you. Now, you just have to guess...)


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 29 Nov 2024, 06:40 


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Thanks sir, appreciate your work


 Post subject: Re: Maintenance 01/18/2024 Update - Please Read!
PostPosted: 30 Nov 2024, 03:08 

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Username Protected wrote:
Many forums only quote the single last post. I think that is the best and easiest way.

This seems like a good idea. Nothing like reading a double quote box of 100 lines only to see that the reply just says "Thanks" or something equally brief. :roll: No need to quote everything by default.


Just bumping this up as Jon is right. The ability to “Reply” to a specific post (rather than Quote) would be very helpful. Is it possible this feature is available in the forum’s native code? Thanks.


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