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 Post subject: BeechTalk Political and COVID Discussion Policy
PostPosted: 04 Feb 2022, 14:50 

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 WWW  Profile

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We've noticed another uptick in the political and COVID discussions infiltrating various threads on BeechTalk. While we believe we have made it clear that such discussion is not welcome at BeechTalk, we wanted to take a moment and post this public announcement for maximum visibility and clarity of our position.

So to clarify, the kind of discussions that we consider violations of our Terms of Service:

- Posting non-aviation political discussion
- Posting in an uncivil manner
- Posting a personal attack against another member
- Posting COVID related discussion of any kind. The only exception to this is to state a country or area's local COVID travel restrictions (without further commentary)

Also, please note that we interpret political discussion very broadly. In short, any post which mentions political figures, political parties, COVID, or even political ideologies such as "conservative", "liberal", "red state" or "blue state" is considered political discussion for this purpose.

Consider this another reminder, and for repeat offenders a warning, that we will take account action if needed to prevent these sorts of discussions at BeechTalk.

Thank you,
The Jeffs


 Post subject: Re: BeechTalk Political and COVID Discussion Policy
PostPosted: 03 May 2023, 00:14 

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Last edited on 03 May 2023, 03:54, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: BeechTalk Political and COVID Discussion Policy
PostPosted: 03 May 2023, 01:52 

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 WWW  Profile

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Thank you. Been way too much of that unchecked going on here recently and it has really hurt the forum. There are so many posters I now view in a different light which I'd wish I hadn't known at all. When we all just talk aviation, it's so much better.


 Post subject: Re: BeechTalk Political and COVID Discussion Policy
PostPosted: 03 May 2023, 07:26 

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Username Protected wrote:
Thank you. Been way too much of that unchecked going on here recently and it has really hurt the forum. There are so many posters I now view in a different light which I'd wish I hadn't known at all. When we all just talk aviation, it's so much better.

We run out of things to say before we exhaust the desire to talk. There are only so many ways to ask “how much will my performance improve with an IO-550?” and “helpful” people make it much worse when they answer “this has been discussed many times. Search is your friend.”

The “news,” such as it is, is always new (though there is nothing new under the sun), giving unlimited opportunities for the dispensing of one’s own penetrating insight. It doesn’t matter that the only things I know about, say, nuclear power are those I’ve read online, written by people I’ve never heard of, whose credentials I don’t know, and whose statements I lack the background to critique; those things are true because they conform with my view of the world.

I’d be offline entirely if it were possible to live that way in the 2020’s. But once I’m on, I’m on all the way.


 Post subject: Re: BeechTalk Political and COVID Discussion Policy
PostPosted: 05 May 2023, 08:24 

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Username Protected wrote:

We run out of things to say before we exhaust the desire to talk..

Well said and not just in online conversations either.


 Post subject: Re: BeechTalk Political and COVID Discussion Policy
PostPosted: 05 May 2023, 18:19 

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Username Protected wrote:
When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished.



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