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 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 26 Feb 2021, 23:11 

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 WWW  Profile

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I like domestic cats, FWIW.

And BT.

BUT, somebody owes me some money for the time I spend here. :D

- As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

Robert D. Schulte


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 28 Feb 2021, 00:10 

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At your hourly we'd all have to chip in. :D


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 17 Mar 2021, 00:27 


Joined: 09/27/12
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Lots of great info and good advise here. We can agree to disagree and still be civil to one another. Like the Chief Pilot said, " We gonna give ya a fair trial, and then we gonna hang ya,"


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 16 Apr 2021, 23:47 

 WWW  Profile

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First, your website is a value to all Beech owners. While I don't post much I do go on the site to find information relative to my Beech.

Second, you're right to call out those that want to pontificate in a manner that's not civil. It's just not in keeping with the aviation community in general.

In my 40 years of flying I've found it to be the most giving group of human beings on the planet.

ABS Life Member
"School Cost Money"


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 04 Jan 2022, 12:16 


Joined: 01/14/20
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I need assistance. My father passed away. He was an airline sheet mentalist. I have boxes and boxes of tools. I heard on this sight that there is an auction twice a year in Oklahoma City. May I please have the name and phone number of the gentleman that runs the auction. Thank you.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 03 Feb 2023, 16:34 


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Hello Gentlemen:

I'm so so sorry that you are encountering misuse of your platform by unappreciative users, for what should be a joy for all of us to experience. I support your efforts to keep the platform clean in any manner that you deem appropriate to protect the integrity of your vision for all who care for "Beechtalk." I must admit, I don't post much, many less than five times. Nevertheless, I enjoy visiting your site. Thank you both for what you do. Please keep the faith.

Dale Peterson
Sidney, Ohio - KSCA


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 21 Mar 2024, 21:54 


Joined: 01/22/23
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Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Aircraft: Bonanza V35
This is a great site, and though currently not a Beech Owner, I still learn a lot and get some wonderful tips on places to fly!

Unlike much of social media the folks here are always respectful, helpful and even when disagreement occurs, there is thoughtful perspectives and debate.

Keep up the good work!


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 01 Apr 2024, 23:07 

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It is with a heavy heart that we, the Jeffs, have made the hard decision to terminate BeechTalk.

In the beginning our vision was to create a website focused upon Beechcraft. That vision has been dashed by the proliferation of spinoff copy-craft.

We envisioned a website where pilots could discuss their aeronautical differences free from the admixture of politics. That vision has been dashed by the unparalleled brilliance of heretofore politically ignorant pilots.

We envisioned a website in the which all would treat each other with complete respect and decorum, but with the exception of Sidney Wakham that vision has failed us.

BeechTalk has been a part of our soul and we do not take our decision lightly, but attempting to out pace TOS infractions has become an overwhelming task.

This is a traumatically painful time for us therefore we instructed Ron C. to post this in our stead.

In addition, Miss April has been kind enough to field all questions and requests. We will simply be unable to answer PMs personally. If you have comments, questions or requests do not PM us, the Jeffs. We strongly request that you instead contact April first.

Your dedicated administrators, Jeff and Jeff.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 01 Apr 2024, 23:10 


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Username Protected wrote:
It is with a heavy heart that we, the Jeffs, have made the hard decision to terminate BeechTalk.

In the beginning our vision was to create a website focused upon Beechcraft. That vision has been dashed by the proliferation of spinoff copy-craft.

We envisioned a website where pilots could discuss their aeronautical differences free from the admixture of politics. That vision has been dashed by the unparalleled brilliance of heretofore politically ignorant pilots.

We envisioned a website in the which all would treat each other with complete respect and decorum, but with the exception of Sidney Wakham that vision has failed us.

BeechTalk has been a part of our soul and we do not take our decision lightly, but attempting to out pace TOS infractions has become an overwhelming task.

This is a traumatically painful time for us therefore we instructed Ron C. to post this in our stead.

In addition, Miss April has been kind enough to field all questions and requests. We will simply be unable to answer PMs personally. If you have comments, questions or requests do not PM us, the Jeffs. We strongly request that you instead contact April first.

Your dedicated administrators, Jeff and Jeff.
WOW! That was not expected. Speechless!


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 01 Apr 2024, 23:18 

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We have a Miss April? Barbie Benton was my favorite.

Really Ron, this is legit?

Haha. Happy Aprils fool day……..


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 02 Apr 2024, 12:29 

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Username Protected wrote:
Really Ron, this is legit?

I guess you could say it's a legitimate joke (nice one Ron).


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 02 Apr 2024, 22:08 

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Hurray! Now that April Fools is over, everything on the internet must be true again!


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 02 Apr 2024, 23:08 


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Username Protected wrote:
It is with a heavy heart that we, the Jeffs, have made the hard decision to terminate BeechTalk.

In the beginning our vision was to create a website focused upon Beechcraft. That vision has been dashed by the proliferation of spinoff copy-craft.

We envisioned a website where pilots could discuss their aeronautical differences free from the admixture of politics. That vision has been dashed by the unparalleled brilliance of heretofore politically ignorant pilots.

We envisioned a website in the which all would treat each other with complete respect and decorum, but with the exception of Sidney Wakham that vision has failed us.

BeechTalk has been a part of our soul and we do not take our decision lightly, but attempting to out pace TOS infractions has become an overwhelming task.

This is a traumatically painful time for us therefore we instructed Ron C. to post this in our stead.

In addition, Miss April has been kind enough to field all questions and requests. We will simply be unable to answer PMs personally. If you have comments, questions or requests do not PM us, the Jeffs. We strongly request that you instead contact April first.

Your dedicated administrators, Jeff and Jeff.

As a Fisherman would say............Man You got Me Ron :bugeye: Hook, Line and Sinker :oops: :clap: :lol: :rofl:


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 02 Apr 2024, 23:24 


Joined: 10/06/17
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Location: san diego
Aircraft: G35 / Acroduster
I’ve never been to Beech Talk News, didn’t even know is existed, only came here bc I saw Sidney posted and that’s always good and entertaining. Glad to see he got “special recognition”. :thumbup: As it should be.

Great job, Ron!!


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