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 Post subject: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 19:38 

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Jeff S. and I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on and discussing our goal for this community. We believe we can state it simply enough:

Our goal for BeechTalk is to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for all interested people to share information about Beechcraft airplanes and aviation in general.

With respect to that goal, we are sorry to report that we have failed. Jeff and I take full responsibility for that, and we offer our apologies to the community for our failure.

We, and the members who have reached out to us privately, are very disappointed in the tone and tenor of BeechTalk. We acknowledge that there is an egregious lack of kindness, elevating even to vitriol and personal attacks among our members.

Jeff and I realize that we are all experiencing some very unusual stress right now--health stress, economic stress, anxiety about what the future holds, etc. But the issues we're referring to in our failure extend well into the past before our current circumstances.

In any case, it doesn't have to be this way. And further, starting today, Jeff and I resolve that it won't be.

With that resolve will come some difficult decisions. One such decision we came to is that, from this point forward, if you are found to be in violation of the Terms of Service, especially the requirement for civility, your account will be deactivated without warning. Depending on the severity of the violation (and other factors) this may be a temporary or permanent deactivation, which we will take into account on a case-by-case basis.

To that end, we encourage everyone here to read and reread every post you make. Ask yourself these questions before clicking Submit:

1. "Is there a more kind and civil way I can communicate this message?"
2. "Is it possible these words can be interpreted as political, vulgar, etc discourse?"

If yes to either, then please don't post it.

We may be accused of targeting specific individuals with this policy. Let us say up front that no one is exempt. We are simply electing now to strictly enforce our long-standing Terms of Service by stating this one axiom: If you can't play well with others, then BeechTalk is simply not the place for you.

Speaking for me individually, I have even failed by this metric myself in the recent past, and for that I apologize. From this point forward I choose to be an example of kindness in all my communication here. Please join me in that. Let us all communicate with each other in the most kind manner possible.

If everyone would join us in that resolution, then we think our vision of BeechTalk can still be achieved. We are sincerely asking for your help in achieving that vision.


The Jeffs

CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 19:39 

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I want to take this opportunity to indicate in no uncertain terms that Jeff and I are in full agreement with the statement that we collectively prepared above. We arrived at this conclusion after many long talks on the subject and we are hopeful that BeechTalk can reclaim its prior welcoming tone.

There are many wonderful people here at BeechTalk that freely give of their time to one another in terms of help, information, support, and friendship, so we feel it is incumbent on us to ensure that this community continues to prosper even if some may be asked to leave.

CE-560XL Type


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 19:54 

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Beechtalk at whatever its very worst is is still generally quite good and has remained remarkably strong through incredible growth where other communities seem to fall apart under those strains.

Don’t be too hard on yourselves for any real or perceived slippage. Instead, be proud of what you’ve helped bring about, even if you’ve decided to take concrete steps to improve it.

This glass is way, way more than half-full!


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:07 

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Username Protected wrote:
Beechtalk at whatever its very worst is is still generally quite good and has remained remarkably strong through incredible growth where other communities seem to fall apart under those strains.

Don’t be too hard on yourselves for any real or perceived slippage. Instead, be proud of what you’ve helped bring about, even if you’ve decided to take concrete steps to improve it.

This glass is way, way more than half-full!

Couldn’t agree more.

No one will give you the education you need to threaten their power, much less overthrow them.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:07 

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Jeff -

We are with you; and I too may have fallen short from time to time.

But, be careful about swinging that pendulum.

Passion can encompass both the best and worst of our nature.

Appealing to our better angels is warranted; but do not forsake us b/c we are human.

Elevate the conversation, please.

But do not silence us ... any of us.

We are pretty self-regulating and do a good job of checking bad behavior, but all of us have something to say, even if we loathe the manner in which it is said.

Even "F' the draft" had value. Cohen v. California, 403 US 15.

All that said, it is YOUR site, and we will abide.

- As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

Robert D. Schulte


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:08 


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Username Protected wrote:
Beechtalk at whatever its very worst is is still generally quite good and has remained remarkably strong through incredible growth where other communities seem to fall apart under those strains.

Don’t be too hard on yourselves for any real or perceived slippage. Instead, be proud of what you’ve helped bring about, even if you’ve decided to take concrete steps to improve it.

This glass is way, way more than half-full!

Jeff's, I agree with what Jim Says :thumbup: We are all Human Beings, and Make a Few Mistakes from Time to Time :shrug:

You should be Really Proud of what You've Done :cheers: This Place is Not Perfect, but neither am I :oops:
It's still the Best Group of Folks and Forum on the Planet...............Period! :cheers: :bud:

My Father was a CPA/Pilot.....I'm just a Welder/Student Pilot


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:10 

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If you’re going to start banning people, remember that you, too, less than a week ago, were letting your slip show.


No one will give you the education you need to threaten their power, much less overthrow them.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:17 

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BT has been a great part of my life.

Thank you for trying to keep it kind.

It's a haven we all need right now.

"Most of my money I spent on airplanes. The rest I just wasted....."
---the EFI, POF-----


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:24 


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I say we get rid of the COVID talk.

The coronavirus is inevitably political and if we want to avoid political discussions we should avoid the coronavirus discussions.

This primarily a Beechcraft forum anyway.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:27 

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Username Protected wrote:
I say we get rid of the COVID talk.

The coronavirus is inevitably political and if we want to avoid political discussions we should avoid the coronavirus discussions.

This primarily a Beechcraft forum anyway.

This is a Beechcraft pilots’ forum. COVID may not affect beech planes, but it (and the very clearly political response) affects their pilots.

No one will give you the education you need to threaten their power, much less overthrow them.

Last edited on 31 Mar 2020, 20:29, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:29 


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Username Protected wrote:
I say we get rid of the COVID talk.

The coronavirus is inevitably political and if we want to avoid political discussions we should avoid the coronavirus discussions.

This primarily a Beechcraft forum anyway.

This is a Beechcraft pilots’ forum. COVID may not affect beech planes, but it affects their pilots.

So do politics, but we don’t talk about them.

However, I see your point.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:32 

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The Jeff’s... Spoken with much integrity. :thumbup:


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:32 


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Username Protected wrote:
I say we get rid of the COVID talk.

The coronavirus is inevitably political and if we want to avoid political discussions we should avoid the coronavirus discussions.

This primarily a Beechcraft forum anyway.

I Respectfully Disagree Max :) Topics do get a touch Political from Time to Time, But Beechtalk is so Much More than just about Airlplanes :shrug:

I learn a Lot about Life...........EVERY DAY well as all I Need about AeroPlanes :thumbup: :D

Love Ya Max :bud:

My Father was a CPA/Pilot.....I'm just a Welder/Student Pilot


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:33 

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Username Protected wrote:
I say we get rid of the COVID talk.

The coronavirus is inevitably political and if we want to avoid political discussions we should avoid the coronavirus discussions.

This primarily a Beechcraft forum anyway.

The data driven conversations are worth a go. Opinions,...Meh

I understand, that some need a place to express thier fear, confusion and frustration. But there is a limit to what can be permitted.

Its going to be a herculean task to monitor all this.

The Jeffs may make enemies of some they ban, but the health and well being of BT is what needs to be preserved.

If you dont know how to express yourself, without being vulgar or abusive, then BT doesnt need you. Likewise if you troll for your own personal entertainment and at the expense of others....BT doesnt need you.

Some thread topics aren't worth the hassle.

An Engineer's job is to say No. Until the check clears, then make a mountain from a molehill.


 Post subject: Re: Our Vision for the BeechTalk Community
PostPosted: 31 Mar 2020, 20:34 

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Thanks to the Jeffs for clarifying the vision; while I don’t post often, I have really enjoyed the technical, non-political aspects of this forum, and I strongly agree with keeping it that way! I do enjoy the jokes, though! :D


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