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 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 15 Apr 2020, 11:20 

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Found another one: Samuel Jolly.

His private messages were deleted but if you were in the middle of a transaction our advice is to discontinue it immediately.


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 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 15 Apr 2020, 12:10 


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Dear Jeff,
Samuel Jolly hit me up by pm this am. I see he is deleted.


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 19 Apr 2020, 10:31 

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Found and removed another one: Charmaine Norman.

Please disregard all PMs, emails, etc from this user.

CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 16 May 2021, 15:15 

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Found and removed another one: Dana Pyle

If you are in contact with this former user, we recommend discontinuing that contact and obviously not sending any money.


CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 16 May 2021, 16:51 

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Thanks for the heads up Jeff.

Also wanted to BUMP this to keep it near the top.


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 09 Jun 2021, 16:45 


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There is a common related scam, which works in the opposite direction and is slightly less obvious:

[+] Scammer informs seller that he likes to buy an item on BT.
[+] Seller waits for check to arrive before sending the item.
[+] Check arrives and seller notices that the check is for more than agreed upon.
[+] Scammer informs seller that he wrote the check for the incorrect amount and asks to add the difference to the package.
[+] Seller deposits the check at a local bank and makes sure the bank accepts it.
[+] Seller sends the package and the difference
[+] After about three days seller's bank informs seller that check has bounced.

The scammer takes advantage of the time lag between depositing a check at a local bank and the clearing house clearing it, which can take up to a week.


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 09 Jun 2021, 21:11 

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 WWW  Profile

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Username Protected wrote:
The scammer takes advantage of the time lag between depositing a check at a local bank and the clearing house clearing it, which can take up to a week.

Can't one still request that a bank send a check "for collection?"

Then, when the funds come back, you know you're good...



 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 09 Jun 2021, 23:07 

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Username Protected wrote:
The scammer takes advantage of the time lag between depositing a check at a local bank and the clearing house clearing it, which can take up to a week.

Can't one still request that a bank send a check "for collection?"

Then, when the funds come back, you know you're good...


So before I decided to make the big bucks as a regional airline pilot :eek: ……I managed Bank of America beaches….ahem… centers…….I don’t know what “for collection” even is. :shrug: What Paul mentioned as a scam was one that I saw a few times. It was always with a cashiers check. They were fake. I had no way of verifying that a “bank check” was even valid. :shrug:


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 04:22 

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A good sign that you are dealing with a scammer is a request to send money via
- Zelle
- PayPal 'friends&family'

Both are the equivalent of sending an envelope of cash to a private mailbox using fedex/ups.


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 07:55 

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Username Protected wrote:
A good sign that you are dealing with a scammer is a request to send money via
- Zelle
- PayPal 'friends&family'

…unless the seller is known to you, i.e., a friend or family..


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 09:32 

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Username Protected wrote:
A good sign that you are dealing with a scammer is a request to send money via
- Zelle
- PayPal 'friends&family'

…unless the seller is known to you, i.e., a friend or family..

Smart A55 :peace:


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 09:56 

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Username Protected wrote:
A good sign that you are dealing with a scammer is a request to send money via
- Zelle
- PayPal 'friends&family'

…unless the seller is known to you, i.e., a friend or family..

Yes, in the context of a buy/sell transaction with a stranger that is conducted on the internet. Zelle is cash. If you meet someone at the airport to buy an aircraft part, perfectly fine to use Zelle the same way you would exchange cash for the part.


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 10:01 

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I’ve bought several items on here using PayPal F&F. I would not do it with a first time poster but someone who has participated regularly and the story of the item adds up.


 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 21:22 

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Username Protected wrote:
I managed Bank of America beaches…

Shouldn't that be Beeches?

I don’t know what “for collection” even is.

You should have trained at Wells Fargo! They made sure we understood it. Here's a Google cite: ... collection

What Paul mentioned as a scam was one that I saw a few times. It was always with a cashiers check. They were fake. I had no way of verifying that a “bank check” was even valid. :shrug:

I don't think I mentioned any scam. You could have sent suspicious checks for collection. Takes a while, but is certain.



 Post subject: Re: Possible Scammer via Private Message
PostPosted: 30 Oct 2021, 21:37 

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Username Protected wrote:
A good sign that you are dealing with a scammer is a request to send money via
- Zelle
- PayPal 'friends&family'

…unless the seller is known to you, i.e., a friend or family..

And Im thinking, "sending money to Family???!!!" must be a scam. And my Friends know better than to ask. :)

Yeah, I'll come down and visit you in the pokey, but bail money? probably not.


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