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 Post subject: Public Reminder - No Political Discussion at BeechTalk
PostPosted: 11 Mar 2016, 22:48 

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 WWW  Profile

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One of the very first rules of BeechTalk was that we did not want political discussions within these forums. We have our reasons, and yes, we have tried it. It not only didn't work, it created enmity that still exists to this very day between some members.

We understand that there's a lot of political news in the current election cycle, but please understand that more news does not equate to a reversal of our Terms of Services with respect to poltical and quasi-political discussion on these forums.

Sometimes after locking or removing a thread we hear protests that "I didn't think that was political!" To clarify, we interpret the words "political discussion" very broadly. Among other things, our interpretation includes:

- Mentioning or discussing a political party or figure
- Descriptions of political ideologies (eg, liberal or conservative)
- Divisive political topics (gun control, etc)
- Recent events involving law enforcement and/or local goverments
- Discussion of judicial rulings
- Political jokes (even jokes referencing political issues/people)

In other words, if you have any doubt whatsoever that your post is political, in our view, it probably is!

Threads which have any of the above characteristics, or are in any way deemed political in nature, are subject to removal or locking without warning. Further, members who willfully and repeatedly ignore this rule may be subject to account termination.

We honestly don't mean this message to be as harsh as it reads. The problem is that we keep repeating the rules and some of our members simply choose to ignore them, turning BeechTalk into something we both do not intend and, frankly, do not want. As always, members are encouraged to use the Report Abuse flag to alert administrators to threads which violate our Terms of Service.

Having said all of that, let's talk about airplanes (and helicopters)! :D



CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


 Post subject: Re: Public Reminder - No Political Discussion at BeechTalk
PostPosted: 15 Jun 2016, 22:35 

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 WWW  Profile

Joined: 11/26/07
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CE-510 type, ATP Helicopter, BE90 recurrent, CE500 SPE, Baron 58 IPC, R22/R44 flight reviews


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