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 Post subject: Terms of Service Update - Religious Discussion
PostPosted: 08 Jan 2015, 22:27 

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Joined: 11/27/07
Posts: 54
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Company: BeechTalk, LLC
The BeechTalk Terms of Service have received a minor update to clarify our long-standing position at BeechTalk of prohibiting religious discussion within the forums. The new term reads:

3. BeechTalk, LLC members must avoid posting any of the following content:
b. Religious discussion - that which goes beyond a mere indication of faith (i.e. We'll pray for you.);

There are a number of faiths represented by the members of BeechTalk, and for that any other reasons we find the discussion of religion and directly-related topics inappropriate within the forums of this site.

Please be advised that, much like political discussion, we reserve the right to edit out any content deemed to be religious in nature, with or without subsequent warning to the poster. Also be advised that policy is no way a reflection on the administrators' personal religious preferences, it is purely an attempt to maintain decorum by avoiding the most divisive topic in the history of Man.

We appreciate your assistance in this regard, and your periodic review of the Terms of Service (located as always at the bottom left of each forum page). Thanks all,


The Jeffs


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