10 Feb 2025, 22:02 [ UTC - 5; DST ]
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For Sale - Aircraft
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4190 |
54799 |
Today, 11:45
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For Sale - Aviation Other
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21538 |
86088 |
Today, 20:59
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For Sale - Non-Aviation Other
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1496 |
8423 |
Yesterday, 16:47
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7363 |
26074 |
29 minutes ago
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Topics |
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SOLD! New Condition, barely used Supertow. Reduced to $3500
Username Protected |
10 |
6396 |
Today, 20:59
FS: Spar cover from Baron B-55 (1974)
Username Protected |
3 |
177 |
Today, 17:39
FS: Baron B-55 cowls (complete) hailed uppers, great lowers
Username Protected |
2 |
116 |
Today, 17:06
FS: Garmin GTX335R ADSB Transponder
Username Protected |
3 |
2463 |
Today, 14:13
FS: GARMIN GSR56 Satellite Datalink
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2 |
1612 |
Today, 14:12
FS: Baron heat duct 95-55037-11
Username Protected |
1 |
156 |
Today, 12:06
FS: 1969 Bonanza V35A-TC
Username Protected |
4 |
477 |
Today, 11:45
FS: RHM38S Champion Fine Wire Spark Plugs NEW $150 EA
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3 |
1643 |
Today, 10:58
FS: Baron control quadrant, cables and trim wheels (B55)
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2 |
146 |
Today, 10:10
FS: Scam Profile
[ Go to page: 1, 2 ]
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20 |
1047 |
Today, 09:42
FS: Baron left elevator, magnesium, 96-610005-655
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1 |
121 |
Today, 08:18
FS: 8-day, wind up clock (Beech branded) and mounting plate
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1 |
176 |
Today, 04:58
FS: Installed new panel... these items still work
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3 |
362 |
Today, 01:44
FS: Powertow connectors (nearly new) Beech
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0 |
115 |
Yesterday, 21:34
FS: Baron rear window interior plastic trim
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0 |
89 |
Yesterday, 20:41
FS: Rudder pedals and hardware as removed from Baron
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0 |
91 |
Yesterday, 20:16
FS: Ailerons, left & right (from a Baron project)
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0 |
74 |
Yesterday, 19:53
FS: Flaps Left & Right (35-165050-606) w/ 8130-3, & LEFT TOO
Username Protected |
3 |
302 |
Yesterday, 19:38
FS: 1973 A36 $385,000
Username Protected |
6 |
2925 |
Yesterday, 19:36
FS: New Winter Preheat 5-9hour Generator w/ Cellular switch
Username Protected |
0 |
118 |
Yesterday, 18:43
FS: ICOM HF Transceiver kit
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1 |
331 |
Yesterday, 17:49
Username Protected |
5 |
3884 |
Yesterday, 17:41
NEW PRICE FS: Apple Mac mini M2 8/512 $380
Username Protected |
4 |
1449 |
Yesterday, 16:47
FS: 1980 Piper Cheyenne I Blackhawk Conversion
Username Protected |
3 |
1560 |
Yesterday, 15:12
FS: A36 Cowl Gills $350 for set
Username Protected |
0 |
101 |
Yesterday, 14:13
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